Do You Have Inner Peace?

Author Bro. Ken’s second published work is on sale for $10 while supplies last! Details are on the Home Page.
His writings show how God has played a part in his own personal experiences.

            Do You Believe in Angels?

This was Author Bro. Ken’s first publication. You can check out his work and how to get a copy here from our home page.

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Questions & AnswersQuestions & AnswersQuestions & Answers

Why Questions & Answers?
People write in and ask various questions, we try to answer each question using the answer out of the  bible. All names and circumstances are removed and the ones that are posted are the questions most commonly asked.

Do You Have Questions?
We don't know all the answers, but God Does!
Here are the Scripture References for some of the questions we've been asked.

You can use the search function below to look for a particular topic located within the Burning Bush Website:


  1. What is the New Age Movement?

  2. Is There a Hell?

  3. The USA have "In God we Trust" on their money and "One Nation Under God" in their Allegiance. WHAT does CANADA have?

  4. What About Marriage?

  5. What Is The Purpose Of The Local Church?

  6. Family Fights

  7. Why Are North Americans Turning To Islam?

  8. What About Addictions?

  9. Where Is Your Standard?

  10. What Will Happen To Those That Have Never Heard The Gospel?

  11. Baptism Alone, Does Not Save Us!

  12. Is Israel Still God's Chosen?

  13. Why Do Some Christians Insist That We Keep The Law?

  14. How Does God Speak To Us?

  15. Are People That Commit Suicide Saved?

  16. We Have So Many Teachings Today, Which One Is Right?

  17. I Feel I'm a Bad Christian, I have so many Doubts

  18. Lifted Up

  19. The Elects and the Church

  20. 9 Gifts of the Holy Spirit

  21. Three Attributes of the Holy Spirit

  22. Was the Crucifixion on Wednesday or Friday?

  23. Some thoughts on Divorce

  24. False Religion

  25. "Ten Virgins"

  26. When is the LAST DAYS?

  27. Does LUKE 21 Mean THIS Generation?

  28. Why New Doctrine?

  29. The Fruits of The Spirit

  30. The Fruits of The Flesh

  31. White Lies

  32. You're so Heavenly Minded You are No Earthly Good

  33. If You're a Child of God, Why Aren't You Healed?

  34. Why Tithe?

  35. Will We Face Persecution

  36. What is the Difference between Good Music and Harmful Music

  37. I Don't Understand

  38. How Do You Explain the Trinity?

  39. I Am Praying For You

  40. Why do some people claim to believe the Bible, but really don't?

  41. Once Saved-Always Saved?

  42. Binding and Loosing Spirits

  43. Can You Lose Your Salvation?

  44. Do You Need To Worry During Economic Chaos?

  45. Are You Wearing The Full Armour of God?

  46. What is "Soaking Prayer"?

  47. WHY do you say the Rapture has to take place before the Antichrist is revealed?

  48. Why aren't there signs and wonders in our midst?

  49. What or Who is a GOSSIP?

  50. Is Jesus Who He said He is?

  51. Why should we defend our faith in the Lord?


  53. Why Do some People Say, "You Must Be Born Again?"

  54. Why is there so much STRESS today?

  55. How can I, a sinner, serve Christ?

  56. Why do some people raise their hands in Church?

  57. How can I grow in the Lord?

  58. What is your first love?

  59. WHY Do people believe man and man's ways ahead of the God that they claim to believe and trust?

  60. Why are there so many denominations?

  61. What is the meaning of the Extra Oil in Matthew 25?

  62. What About "The Little Things?"

  63. Are You Insecure?

  64. Why Jesus Wept

  65. The Tabernacle

  66. Why Does God Allow Unrighteousness?

  67. Mark 16

  68. Pastor Or Bishop?

  69. What Does God Think of Flattery?

  70. What is the Difference between Love and hate?

  71. Inner Peace... What is it?

  72. What is the sign of the Baptism of the Holy Ghost and Why?

  73. What is Believing?

  74. Witchraft

  75. Judging

  76. Prayer

  77. Prophets

  78. House Church

  79. Muslim Messiah

  80. Muslim vs Christ

  81. Temptation for Answers

  82. Bold for Answers

  83. Thin Skinnned for Answers

  84. Questions

  85. The Rapture of the Body of Christ

  86. Victory

  87. Law

  88. Snatching Away

  89. Why he told Mary Don't touch me

  90. So why do I say no crowns or very few crowns?

  91. This is not for New Testament Time

  92. Faith, it never ceases to amaze me

  93. How to pray

  94. Inspired

  95. Justify

  96. Salvation is free for us

  97. To answer your question about not liking someone

  98. Dominion

  99. You call yourself a Christian and you did that?

  100. What is the mark of knowing Jesus?

  101. Who is a believer?

  102. How do you know the way?

  103. What is the Christian Task?

  104. How can one know the will of his God?

  105. Can a christian eat or drink soft drinks in a pub or in a restaurant?

  106. Regarding your question as to who was Cain's wife

  107. Contend for the Faith

  108. Mind of Christ

  109. Demons Obey

  110. Pray To Dead

  111. Gimmicks

  112. Don't Like

  113. Questions

  114. Galatians 6:6-8

  115. I Possess What I Confess

  116. Galatians 1:6-12

  117. Gays

  118. Begin to Change

  119. Don't Beg

  120. Seek Ye First

  121. Psalm 91:1-10

  122. Gifts to the Church

  123. 2012

  124. Tongues-Power

  125. KJV

  126. Warfare Prayer

  127. How to Fight

  128. Bible is True

  129. Praise & Worship

  130. Way of Escape

  131. Speak Unto

  132. Revenge

  133. You Speak

  134. Don't Judge

  135. Peace

  136. God Gave

  137. The Cross

  138. In Earth

  139. Jesus in Hell

  140. Righteouseness

  141. Seven Kinds who can't be Saved

  142. Pharisee

  143. On Earth

  144. Jewish

  145. Infalible

  146. Why the Cross?

  147. Only Way

  148. Grace by Faith

  149. Like the 300

  150. Mouth

  151. Depression

  152. Ungodly Actions

  153. Greed

  154. Fear

  155. Hardness of Heart

  156. Blessings

  157. In Earth #2

  158. Virgin Birth

  159. Cult

  160. Be Honest

  161. Grace VS Law

  162. Do all Go?

  163. Long Sleep

  164. Seek First

  165. Law of Return

  166. Come Unto

  167. Chapter & Verse

  168. Assassination

  169. Preachers

  170. One Church

  171. Judging

  172. Mind of

  173. Where To Grow

  174. Spot Wrinkle

  175. Who Believes?

  176. Righteous

  177. Last Church

  178. Don't Try

  179. As a Person Thinks

  180. What's in You

  181. Who Made Evil

  182. Knowledge

  183. Love

  184. The Word

  185. Your Prayer Request

  186. Religion Versus Church

  187. Fear of God

  188. Prayer Warriors

  189. Semenary

  190. Hay Stubble

  191. Tell The Things

  192. Disciple

  193. Faith Comes

  1. Only By Faith

  2. Hades Hell

  3. Why Against Denominations

  4. Jealousy

  5. Why Not Love

  6. Thy Will Be Done

  7. Faith Cometh By Hearing

  8. Sound Doctrine

  9. Good News

  10. Carnal Minded

  11. Why Christians Lie

  12. Do Gooders

  13. What's Faith?

  14. Analytical Mind

  15. How Many Baptisims?

  16. Restore to Faith

  17. Self Centered

  18. Power in the Gospel

  19. Remembering

  20. What You Watch

  21. Why Give?

  22. Who do you believe?

  23. What Happened in theTomb?

  24. A Voice Crying in the Wilderness

  25. Thanks for Asking

  26. And We Know

  27. Desires

  28. New Age Peace Plan

  29. Feelings

  30. How To Combat Stress

  31. Silent Church

  32. How To Hear

  33. Why A Conscience?

  34. Jesus Never Fails

  35. Humble Yourself

  36. Self Righteousness

  37. Resist The Devil

  38. What's my Job?

  39. What do I do?

  40. What is Preaching?

  41. Why Some Saved?

  42. Blame Game

  43. Proclaim last days

  44. Daily Living

  45. How do we Love?

  46. Who was Melchisedec?

  47. The Devil Owns the Fence

  48. Holiness

  49. Discipleship VS Christianity

  50. Ask God not man

  51. Why Complain?

  52. Worship

  53. Church Ages

  54. You are your own Enemy

  55. Are We Ready

  56. How to Know

  57. Satan Will Steal

  58. All Things

  59. Guilt Trap

  60. Old Things

  61. Church Denomination

  62. Don't Believe

  63. Simple

  64. Corpse Don't Respond

  65. It Is Time

  66. Without Faith

  67. Fasting & Prayer

  68. Why?

  69. Bible Hope

  70. Good & Bad Judging

  71. Hurt Feelings

  72. Are We Ready?

  73. Love Yourself

  74. Why Consequences?

  75. Healthy As You Think

  76. Wine is a Mocker

  77. The Seven Churches

  78. How You Get Extra Oil?

  79. What is Trust?

  80. He said - She said?

  81. Why Believe a Lie

  82. Will Jesus find faith on Earth

  83. He that Believeth Not

  84. What Does Change do to you?

  85. Run the Race

  86. What is Meant by Carnal?

  87. John the Baptist's Message

  88. Preach the Word

  89. Satan's a Liar

  90. Three Baptisms

  91. No Earthly Good

  92. Where is God?

  93. Sixth Sense

  94. Faith Cometh by Hearing

  95. Smoking in the Bible

  96. The Visual Cloud Sign

  97. Why the Fire Fell

  98. Are you weak?

  99. You have the power & authority

  100. Why does a person go to church?

  101. All that day - You Shall Know

  102. Choose Not - To Be Left Behind

  103. What & Why

  104. There is a Big Difference

  105. Why Deceived

  106. Compromise

  107. Divorce #2

  108. Jesus Loves YOU Unconditionally

  109. Bad Traditions

  110. Who's Fault

  111. Modern/Old

  112. What Makes you a Christian?

  113. Stuck Record

  114. How in one Accord?

  115. Wise Men

  116. Does the Bible Teach Tolerance? Wise Men

  117. Easy to Believe

  118. Biblical Teaching About the Family #1

  119. Why Do Some Come Across As Always Right?

  120. Biblical Family Teaching #2

  121. Close Enough

  122. Carnal Friends

  123. Way of Escape

  124. Mark of the Beast

  125. Retrain Your Mind

  126. What the World Wants

  127. Ask Who?

  128. A Voice Crying in the Wilderness

  129. Will the Lord find Faith when he Returns?

  130. How to Forgive

  131. To Whom Much is Given, Much is Expected

  132. But by Every Word of God

  133. Nimrods Population

  134. Is there Two Gospels for the One?

  135. Consequences of Sin

  136. Warfare

  137. A Very Good Question

  138. They Err

  139. False Teachers

  140. Why a Conscience?

  141. Woe be to those that Offend

  142. Don't Follow a Crowd

  143. Stepping Stone

  144. What do we receive by being Born Again?

  145. Rebellious

  146. The Truth About Climate Change

  147. Fairy Tales or Doctrines of Devils

  148. Some scriptures concerning homosexuality and Gods word.

  149. Not in Person

  150. Tradition of Man

  151. Satan Try's to Duplicate Everything God Does

  152. Reprobate Mind

  153. Is The Sabbath on Saturday or Sunday

  154. Follow up for Sat. Or Sun.

  155. Blame Game

  156. I Change Not

  157. Activists

  158. Why Man Hates

  159. God Gave Mankind Six Senses

  160. Iran Today

  161. Who's My Brother?

  162. Fear is Not from God

  163. Too Good To Be True

  164. Things We Believe In Stupidity

  165. For my Kenyan Brethren

  166. Why Believe The Bible?

  167. Do you Know Jesus?

  168. Why All the Protesting?

  169. What is The Extra Oil?

  170. What day is the Sabbath ?

  171. Giving Joyfully

  172. WHY Covid 19?

  173. Who is an Apostle?

  174. The Unpardonable Sin

  175. Living in Gods Best for Us

  176. Law verses Grace

  177. Thy Word have I Hid In My Heart

  178. Philadelphia Lawyers

  179. Wake Up Call

  180. Why Offended?

  181. By Works Are You Saved?

  182. Covid-19

  183. Why Climate Change?

  184. 666

  185. Are you helping God?

  186. We The Church

  187. So Simple

  188. What is Trust?

  189. Salvation Is Not By Water Baptism

  190. Tradition of MAN

  191. What Love Isn't

  192. You Are Dead Already

  193. Blessings of Being a Believer

  194. Modern Church

  195. Not by Works

  196. Are there two Gospels?

  197. We Serve a Giving God

  198. No Matter What-Trust God, Believe His Word

  199. What is a Reprobate Mind?

  200. How Did the USA Reject God in 2020 Election?

  201. Make Discples for Who?

  202. WHY Does Our Lord Warn Us of Tradition?

  203. Why Fast?

  204. Who's the Bride of Christ?

  205. Our Modern Time

  206. Greatness

  207. Why are most Churches so dry today?

  208. Is Rapture for all?

  209. The Modern Corner Church

Do you have a Question?
E-Mail us and we will find the References

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Contact Information:

            Burning Bush Christian Crusades
            # 7093 5203-55 Street
            Wetaskiwin, Alberta T9A-2J6 (Canada)
                                    Phone: (780) 352-8813
                                    Fax: (780) 352-8905

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